One day in July 2016, advertiser Park Woong-hyun asked a provocative question in a radio interview, "Why don't you live like a dog?"
It's true his words sound like a copy of advertisement. For example, he published a book claiming the liberal arts or humanities are a hatchet.1)
Park meant every dog lives the very present moment, in other words, "Carpe Diem."
The dog never worries about the past incidents nor the future events.
Animal protectionists are claiming that dogs and cats deserve the attention and affection of human beings.

Animal Protection Organizations
Animal protection groups at home and abroad try to prevent cruelty to animals and to enhance the welfare of companion animals.
They insist that there are no bad dogs, only some bad owners.2)
In Korea, a number of animal protection groups are staging various campaigns to protect animals, promote vegetarianism, and object to fur products.
In the early 2011, they gathered signatures from citizens to express protest against the government policy to lift the exemption of VAT of 10 percent on the medical expenses of pets at vaterinary clinics as from July 1, 2011.3)
As a result, pet owners have to pay 10 percent of VAT on the medical expense of their animals, which is not usually covered by commercial insurance.
* Korea Animal Rights Advocates (KARA, 동물보호시민단체)4)
* Korea Animal Protection Society (KAPS, 한국동물보호협회)
* Coexistence of Animal Rights on Earth (CARE, 동물사랑실천협회)
* Animal Free Solidarity (동물자유연대)
* Korea Association for Animal Protection (KAAP, 한국동물보호연합)
* People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals (PETA, 동물을 인도적으로 사랑하는 사람들)
* Humane Society (미국의 대표적인 동물보호단체)

Love me, Love my dog 5)
In 2013, such animal protection campaign as "Save deserted animals" has made a new phase. For an instance, the World Art Therapy Association (WATA, 예술치료협회) invited a Japanese specialist of the Animal-Assisted Therapy (AAT, 동물매개치료) to a series of workshops to train a deserted dog to make such a therapy dog. A deserted dog-turned therapy dog can do a good job to improve the condition of a person with Alzheimer's disease. In this regard, WATA has an idea that, if such training course is committed to persons with developmental disorders (발달장애), they may have job opportunities and save more and more deserted dogs.6)
On a personal basis, Mr. Lee Cheol, architect, has supplied more than 400 wheelchairs for disabled dogs. Mr. Lee Hwan-hee, veterinarian, has run an smartphone app Pawinhand which provides information about deserted animals across the nation and arrangement services for adoption of those pets with applicants.7)
What we can learn from a dog
As we can see it, a dog lives a life of carpe diem.
- When living with a good owner, a dog could be happy.
- By serving its owner well, a dog could be ensured welfare.
- When leaving its home, a dog could be in trouble.
- By barking or sniffing positively, a dog may communicate with its owner.
- An appropriate praise and scolding make a well-disciplined dog.
- By making a sad look, a dog would get what it wants.
- A dog can wait for what it wants to get as long as possible.
- When looking around on the ground, a dog could find things put on earth.
- A dog can find its position swiftly among its flock.
For further reading, see KoreanLII "Pet".

1) 광고인 박웅현 대표의 "책(인문학)은 도끼다"라는 제목은 카프카가 "책이란 우리 안의 꽁꽁 얼어버린 바다 같은 이성과 감성을 깨는 도끼 같은 파괴력을 가져야 한다"고 말한 데서 차용한 것이다.
2) EBS TV의 펫 프로그램인 "세상에 나쁜 개는 없다"에 의하면 심지어 주인을 물기까지 하는 개가 있다고 한다. 그러나 이는 잘못된 조건반사가 형성되어 그러할 뿐 적절한 보상하에 규칙을 정해놓고 훈련시키면 말 잘 듣는 '착한 개'임을 보여주고 있다.
3) Apart from the pets treated like other goods and services, the VAT exemption will remain for such livestock animals and cultivated fish for the better living of farmers.
4) In 2012, Top singer Lee Hyori donated her income from publishing a book, ''Closer'' (가까이), on her story to save, and live together with, an abandoned dog named "Soonshim".
5) "나를 사랑한다면 내가 키우는 개도 예뻐하라"는 서양 속담은 우리 식으로 풀이한다면 "마누라가 예쁘면 처갓집 말뚝 보고도 절한다"가 될 것이다.
6) Chosun Ilbo, " Deserted dogs cure mentally sick men", February 23, 2013.
7) Korea JoongAng Daily, "세상을 바꾸는 컬처 디자이너 - 애견휠체어를 만들어 기부하고 유기견 입양 앱을 개발한 매력시민들", July 21, 2016.
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