Travel & People

In English

[Pet] My Doggie's Work to Do

Onepark 2020. 1. 8. 22:30

Petit is the name of my dog. In fact, Petit is the third son in my family.

As he was born in July 2008, Petit is 72 years old actually in terms of human age.


I think Petit has made it a rule:

- to let me know who rings the door bell;

- to wait for the last family member coming home at night;

- to have an enthusiastic welcome ceremony for him/her in the doorway; and

- to take a walk outside with me at least once a day. 


* Petit is waiting for a family member in the doorway.


So I cannot help but praise his faithful performance of duty.

In other words, Petit is worth of his role as a pet.