In English

[Retiree] What to avoid as a retired scholar

Onepark 2018. 11. 28. 22:00

Since I retired from a law school in August 2018, I have occasionally been invited to academic seminars as a chair or panelist. Should I respond to it positively as before? 

In principle, I've made it a rule:

- First, to refuse the offer politely;

- Second, to accept it only when there is no alternative candidate; and

- Third, to make myself not to be so prominent, and to cheer up other colleagues.>


* Oct. 26, 2018  비교사법학회 추계 학술대회 (한국거래소) "동산채권담보제도와 기업금융"(사회)
* Nov. 28, 2018  오픈넷 토론회 (고려대 CJ법학관) "인터넷 주권지키기 - 서버 현지화" (토론)

위의 주제에 관한 필자의 논문은 NAVER 웹사이트에도 수록되어 있다. 

이날 토론회는 필자의 발언을 포함해 인터넷 신문 등 언론에서도 중요한 기사로 다루었다.


무성했던 잎이 지고
몇 알 남지 않은 홍시 감
푸른 창공에서 더 붉게 빛나네
When those leaves are gone,
Some persimmons are left behind.
They are shining all the more in the sky.


Someday, it will be finished. But always one thing I do:
Forgetting what is behind and straining toward what is ahead,
I press on toward the goal to win the prize for which God has called me
heavenward in Christ Jesus. (Philippians 3:13-14)